Thursday, October 25, 2007

Its on my mind

I was looking out the window of our house... and I saw this abandoned spider web in the corner completely full of little tinny flies. It was as if the flies were like.. "hey Bob man.. you gotta see this dude... call all the guys over here... there's an abandoned spider web.. lets all get stuck Woooooo!" and then after they all got stuck.. they were like "Oh snap... we're stuck... " and they just all died. Can you imagine if a spider still lived there? Woohoo, that would be like.. a thousand egg rolls sitting on your table.. ya know?

In Response

Mega dittos on "a whiter shade of pale".
Don't you hate it when you have to ask all the questions in order to keep a conversation going.. if you can call that a conversation... and the hopes you have of a chain reaction from one event to another with enthusiasm and interest is blown to pieces? For instance:

Y = You T = Them
Y: Hey, hows it going?
T: Good
Y: Nice weather today isn't it?
T: Sure, I guess...
Y: So what have you been up to?
T: Oh, nuthin much....
Y: Thats a nice shirt... where did you get it?
T: The store....
Y: .... sooo... how long are you staying here again?
H: Don't know....
Y: Wanna go do something? Play ball or frisbee?
T: uhhhh... no thanks...
Y: Want something to eat?
T: if you got food...
Y:... yeah...
H: *yawn*
Y:Aren't these peaches great!? I got them on sale down at price chopper
T: hmm... Peaches aren't my favorite...

Y: have you ever used photoshop?
T: no....
Y: What kinda stuff are you interested in?
T: All kinds of stuff...

Y:............... are you going to eat that?

see, Its always good to have equal verbal time.

Back Feed

I have solved the Honey problem I mentioned yesterday... I put peanut butter on another piece of toast, and then smushed them together.. no more problem.
Unless of course I eat it while I'm text messaging someone and photoshopping... I have to figure that one out still.

Paved Bunny Trail
[disclaimer] Some times I like to go on bunny trails... and I know thats not good.. so.. instead of ruining a topic, I'll just kinda break off it with this. I know I know.. you don't have to thank me....

Speaking of honey getting on your phone when your text messaging... I just heard on the Paul Harvey Show today that someone got a picture of someone cursing down the road .. While text messaging and tanning their left foot (it was hanging out the window).. I want to see that picture... quick, someone show it to me.


I've been messing around with words that rhyme... fun stuff... and out of the trillions of works of uniquetisity © I have done.. most of them don't make it to the publics eyes.... mostly because they aren't worth it. Take for instance this poem.

Dearest Mother Martha, Sister Mary's lovely mother.
Tis sure you know me well by now, for I could be no other.
How's life there in the Abby? Wow, I hope its going grand,
My monks life is hard, and the food here tastes like sand.
From dawn till dusk I hear confessions, same ones every day,
But yours by far, have got them beat, I really have to say.
Your penitence amuses me, your sincerity is sincere
But its just so unbelievable; or so says the fictioneer.
Take heart and know you aren't the worst, I'll give you an example
Like IDK LOL, my BFF Larry likes BBQ on fridays dude.
I told him "eat tofu or fish", but he just would not comply,
He said "meat is a necessity, and the friday thing my eye".
Enough with you lets move right on, I wrote you for a reason,
Your daughter to my eyes you see, is really very pleasin'.
Her cooking is sensational, and she's really good at math,
She even washed my toad for me, in'a giant bubble bath.
Flowers I did pick for her, the kind they call rag weed,
Told her that I love her, with that flowery good deed.
I know you don't find favor with the two of us together,
But if you do not let us wed, you'll hear of it forever.
If your daughter was a food you see, I think she'd be an anjou
she's got high speed internet, AND she's into football! woohoo!
In other words, I find her very attractive and she's a very nice person...
she's very sensitive and polite and to top that all off she's a jesuit...
Oh and I like her cooking...
But enough about her, back to you.
Working the confessions booth really has its pluses, see,
The things you tell me are quite juicy.. wouldn't you agree?
I'm sure you'll find it in your heart to let her be my bride,
I swore your secretes would be safe... Sorry but I lied.
Say hi to paul and Joanna, Marcus, bob and ben,
have a good day and by the way, don't get stuck in the dishwasher again.

.... now you know why I call this.. "leftovers" ©® ......

Wisdom of Words

It is a foolish man who tries to jump over a sky scraper.


Johanna said...

dude, where do you come up with this stuff?? is it all like, locked away in your brain, or do your hands just spontaneously combust and start typing random words that just happen to make sense and are funny? either's awesome.

Curtis said...

Lol! You're amazing, man. I think your poetry is the best. So I'm curious, do you ever get writers block?

Ed said...

LOL, I write most of this stuff at night or in the morning.. maybe that has something to do with it. And yeah, sometimes I get writers block.. but if that happens, I just move on to another subject until I get my train of though back :P *grin* thanks guys.

Curtis said...

Well keep doin' what you're doin', lol.